廷腾文法学校 (Tintern Grammar School)

90 Alexandra Road, Ringwood East, VIC 3135, Australia
学费 $24,174-$34,684
External IDAT & IDAT for Scholarship Students Testing


Selecting a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a family and I understand that a great deal of time, energy and research goes into making this critical decision. Together at Tintern, we are committed to providing innovative learning and teaching programs that deliver personal academic excellence for each student, along with learning experiences to help them become responsible global citizens. We utilise our world-leading Parallel Learning Model to support the growth of our students through a crafted combination of single-gender and co-educational classroom experiences. Our school community is led by the culture of all those within it, particularly our dedicated, passionate and excellent teachers, who foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and synergy, by delivering engaging and challenging curricular and co-curricular programs. I believe that great schools are made up of committed communities who work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for their students and I can assure you that Tintern is committed to continuing its legacy as a caring, vibrant and connected community. At Tintern your child will enjoy the endless possibilities on offer, in an environment where they can strive with confidence, and I look forward to sharing the Tintern journey with you and your family.